Legionella Investigations
Coast Environmental provides Legionella investigations in buildings and water systems. The Legionella organism is a Gram negative, rod shaped bacterium that can cause pneumonia (Legionnaires’ disease) or a flu-like illness (Pontiac fever). It was first identified and recognized as causing disease during the outbreak that occurred in conjunction with the American Legion Convention in Philadelphia in 1976. There are over 50 species of Legionella and 18 of those can cause disease. It is thought that the species Legionella pneumophila causes most of the infections.
Legionella is a fastidious organism, meaning it has specific growth requirements
that need to be met in order for it to survive and grow. Some of these growth
requirements are:
• Temperature above 68° F
• Iron
• L-Cysteine
• Biofilm (particularly protozoans)
Unlike some other bacteria, it can survive at lower temperatures (even below freezing), at lower dissolved oxygen levels and is somewhat resistant to chlorine disinfection. Certain plastics and organics can provide nutrients for growth. These attributes make our modern day plumbing systems a good habitat for the organism.
When conducting our building water system investigation, walk-through, or risk assessment, we help you identify all potential Legionella reservoirs in the building. If conducting an investigation due a suspected case or outbreak, also survey the surrounding neighborhood to identify any cooling towers, wastewater treatment facilities, storm water/gray water re-use facilities (i.e. golf course spray irrigation water systems), or ornamental fountains that may be located near the building in question. If necessary, obtain permission to sample these off-the-property. Also identify and visually inspect all the building fresh-air intakes/pedestrian walkways with respect to these neighborhood locations.
To ask a question or schedule an appointment call 1-800-784-3336 or email us at admin@CoastEnviro.com