Wild Fire Inspections and Testing Services (Soot/Char/Ash)
Fire Damage Evaluations
COAST’s experts provide accurate and timely results in determining damages incurred from wildfires providing sampling and analysis for Char, Soot, and Ash. These results can be used for cleaning assessment and/or insurance claims. These results can be used to evaluate indoor and outdoor surfaces of property and structures, as well as personal contents.
Samples can be collected either by air (recommended only for heavy residue scenarios) or surface sampling, which is more common.
Surface Sampling:
Tape-Lift – cellophane tape is pressed onto the sampling surface then placed on a clean glass slide for microscopic analysis.
Alcohol Wipe – wiping of hard surfaces (not recommended on painted surfaces)
Micro vacuum – Using a high-volume air pump, particulates are vacuumed off a selected test surface and collected onto a filter cassette for laboratory analysis. Appropriate for soft, porous goods.
Laboratory Analysis – Char, Soot, Ash:
Level 1 - PLM Optical Method
Level 2 - PLM Optical Method & TEM Confirmation
Level 3 - PLM Optical Method & TEM Confirmation: Also Includes Common Components of Environmental Dust (such as fibrous glass, biological material, cellulose, synthetic fibers, pollen, quartz, calcite)
Level 4 – TEM & SEM Microscopy: Also Includes Common Components of Environmental Dust + Elemental Composition of Soot, Char, and Ash by SEM/EDX + pH (to determine overall corrosivity of the dust)
Level 1 is a screening level analysis, very affordable and valuable for quick and easy assessment of the overall degree of contamination. Uses identification by visual morphology only. Result values exceeding the threshold levels should be further confirmed by TEM before paying out a claim.
Levels 2, 3 and 4 offer analyses using the best analytical methods for confirmatory presence of all the analytes of interest (including soot confirmatory analysis based on ASTM D6602) with quantitative values; the results are legally defensible.
All technical aspects of work are under the direction of a Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH).
To ask a question or schedule an appointment call 1-800-784-3336 or email us at admin@CoastEnviro.com